Writing Skills
Graduate School, from time to time, organizes 3-hour writing workshop -- compared with their compulsory semester-long Thesis Writing course, I found the workshop a bit more practical (but don’t expect too much -- also, some writing requirements, such as article structuring, are different in CS and this workshop taught general scientific writing). --ttauber
TextLint, a tool for checking stylistic errors in scientific writing: http://scg.unibe.ch/research/textlint
Gunning Fog Index (measure of “readability” of sentences): http://gunning-fog-index.com
https://readability-score.com (+ other readability measures)
https://github.com/smh436/GunningFogIndex (a Perl script)
Stanford Online Course: http://online.stanford.edu/course/writing-in-the-sciences
P. R. Halmos, How to Write Mathematics, in Selecta: Expository Writing, Sarason and Gilman, editors, Springer-Verlag, 1983.
C.A.R. Hoare, “Envoi”, in Essays in Computing Science, C.A.R. Hoare and C.B. Jones, editors, Prentice Hall, 1989.
Donald E. Knuth, Tracy Larrabee, and Paul M. Roberts, Mathematical writing, Mathematical Association of America, 1996.
Simon Peyton Jones, How to Write a Great Research Paper: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3dkRsTqdDA
William Strunk Jr and E. B. White, The Elements of Style, Longman, 1959 (4th edition, 1999).
(Original version from 1918: http://www.crockford.com/wrrrld/style.html)
R Barrass, Routledge, Scientists Must Write, 2002.
Ernest Gowers, The Complete Plain Words, Penguin, 1987 (original edition, 1948).
George Orwell, Politics and the English Language, from Inside the Whale and Other Essays, Penguin, 1969.
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